Annual Stewardship-2023


The Church is not the clergy or a select group of leaders.

The Church is built of ALL its members. Your gifts, your presence, and your passions are a vital part of St. Richard’s and our witness to the world.

Our annual stewardship campaign is a great time to take stock of your involvement and to prayerfully discern how God is calling you forward in faith this year through your time, talent, and treasure.


Time is the most valuable resource we have. Only God alone knows our account balance. Because time is so precious, it is all the more important that we exercise discernment in how we spend it and what of it we give back directly to God in worship, prayer, study, and service to others.


Whether it’s musical ability, a love for gardening, or simply being friendly and welcoming, God has given you gifts and abilities to use for the growth of his kingdom. The church should be a place where you discern, explore, and engage each of those gifts.


God’s vision for the church is one in which all give of their material resources for the common good (Acts 2:44-45). Our giving to the church should free us from the transactional nature of the world, drawing us closer to each other and to God.

This year’s campaign runs from Sunday, August 20th, through All Saints’ Sunday, November 5th. 


We are trying to raise $625k in pledges for 2024

Though the vast majority of our revenue comes from pledged giving, our operating budget is covered by a number of sources— non pledged contributions, loose-plate offerings, a cost-sharing agreement with our school, and fees charged for the use of our facilities by other groups. 

This budget will help us meet the needs of our growing community while addressing increased costs due to inflation. 

One-hundred percent of your financial gift goes straight to the mission and ministry of the church.

For more information on our Many Members One Body 2024 Annual Stewardship Campaign, please click HERE


Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body…we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.  – 1 Corinthians 12:12-13.

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Physical pledge cards will be mailed to our current members along with pledge packets, but you can also find pledge cards in the church offices and in the entryway. Simply fill out the card and mail it back to us (or put it in the offering plate on Sunday) to submit your pledge.


** Please be aware that you will still need to turn in a physical pledge card even if you give online, so that we have proper documentation of your 2024 pledge.

 Pledge online directly through our parish management system, Realm, by clicking on the ST. RICHARD’S ONLINE GIVING  button below. It’s safe, secure, and easy to use. 

How To Give Online Through Realm

Once you click on the St. Richard’s Online Giving Button, log in to your profile if you are not already logged in. If you do not have a Realm account, you will be prompted to create one. If it does not go directly to the online giving page, please click “Giving” in the main menu, then click “Give”. Once there, you will enter the amount you want to give, select the “Pledge Offering” Fund. Please enter in the memo field “2024 Annual Stewardship Pledge Offering”. Select a gift frequency by clicking on “Give Once” (select a date to give a one-time gift), or “Give Multiple Times” (select a frequency by which your gift will recur). When you set up a recurring online gift, you will receive an email when the end date has been reached. You will then click Continue, enter your payment method or select one that you saved. You will then click Give, and a confirmation message will display. If you want to turn your one-time gift into a scheduled gift, select the check box and a frequency for the gift. Otherwise, click Finish.

For more information on our Many Members One Body 2024 Annual Stewardship Campaign, please click HERE

For more information on Realm, please click HERE.