

Being baptized means that you are a full member of the church. If you have been baptized with water in any Christian denomination in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you were marked as Christ’s own forever and are a member in God’s church. At Saint Richard’s, this means that you are welcome to participate fully in the life of the parish. You may take communion and are eligible to become an official member of the parish.

If you have not been baptized, come talk to us! We would love to talk to you about making a commitment to living in covenant with Christ. You can be baptized as an infant, youth, or adult and we will promise as a congregation to help you seek God throughout your life and mature in your faith. Baptism is not only an acknowledgement of your place in God’s church, but also a public commitment to a life of following Jesus. Before your baptism, clergy will speak with you about upholding this commitment either yourself or on behalf of your child.

To prepare for your Baptism or your child’s Baptism, submit this form, and then contact the clergy of St. Richard’s at (512) 255-5436 or