Despite the structured nature of our worship, Sundays at St. Richard’s are casual. We love welcoming new people and would love to welcome you, too!
We offer two services on Sunday, a traditional Rite I service at 8:00 a.m., and a Rite II service using modern language, at 10:30 a.m. Between the services, we offer Christian formation for all ages beginning at 9:15.
Normally, we offer nursery care beginning at 7:45 a.m. and extending through the end of the 10:30 a.m. service. There are always two well-trained adults who are certified in Safeguarding God’s Children ready to welcome your child. Please be sure to label any items you leave for your child.
If your child is not old enough for nursery care, Saint Richard’s also has a Quiet Room. As you enter the church, on your far right, is a cozy room with a changing table and rocking chairs for those parents and children who need a bit of privacy, but also would like to hear and see the service.

Saint Richard’s offers many opportunities to get involved! Whether you’re looking to find a class for yourself or your whole family, Saint Richard’s aims to be a church that meets the needs of each person and offers ways to grow in our faith together.
Check out these ministry offerings to find the right place for you! Please also check out a full list of our ministries HERE.
We also encourage you to connect with us via social media and our parish email. They will help you stay up-to-date on everything happening at Saint Richard’s.

Being baptized means that you are a full member of the church. If you have been baptized with water in any Christian denomination in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you were marked as Christ’s own forever and are a member in God’s church. At Saint Richard’s, this means that you are welcome to participate fully in the life of the parish. You may take communion and are eligible to become an official member of the parish.
If you have not been baptized, come talk to us! We would love to talk to you about making a commitment to living in covenant with Christ. You can be baptized as an infant, youth, or adult and we will promise as a congregation to help you seek God throughout your life and mature in your faith.
To prepare for your Baptism or your child’s Baptism, submit this form, and then contact the clergy of St. Richard’s at (512) 255-5436 or daybyday@saintrichards.org.

Confirmation is a “mature affirmation” of one’s commitment to Christ. Confirmation must be completed by the bishop and thus occurs only once a year. To prepare for confirmation, confirmands attend classes to learn about the practices of the Episcopal Church and to grow in faith with fellow Christians. After being confirmed, parishioners become full members of the Episcopal Church, which means that they can run for elected positions of leadership within their parish. Beyond establishing a committed relationship with the church, confirmation is a public commitment to the ministry of Jesus.
If you’re interested in being confirmed, please contact the clergy of St. Richard’s.