Physical pledge cards will be mailed to our current members along with pledge packets, but you can also find pledge cards in the church offices and in the entryway. Simply fill out the card and mail it back to us (or put it in the offering plate on Sunday) to submit your pledge.


** Please be aware that you will still need to turn in a physical pledge card even if you give online, so that we have proper documentation of your 2025 pledge.

 Pledge online directly through our parish management system, Realm, by clicking on the ST. RICHARD’S ONLINE GIVING  button below. It’s safe, secure, and easy to use. 

How To Give Online Through Realm

Once you click on the St. Richard’s Online Giving Button, you will be taken to the online pledge form. If you do not have a Realm account, you will be prompted to create one.

If you are going directly through Realm, please click “Giving” in the main menu on the left side, then click “+ Pledge”. A dialog box will pop up prompting you to choose a pledge campaign. After you click the “Pledge Offerings (Jan 1, 2025- Dec 31, 2025), you will enter the amount you want to give and options for scheduling. Enter the gift amount per frequency, not the total amount for the year. Select a gift frequency by clicking on “As Can” (you will see the total pledge at the bottom), or “Set a Schedule” (you will see the pledge amount plus the total annual pledge based on the schedule chosen). If you select a recurring frequency and do not already have scheduled giving, you will need to set up the online payment information separately after you finish setting up the pledge. You will then click Save Pledge, and a confirmation message will display. You will receive a confirmation email with the details of your pledge.

To set up online payment information, go to your profile in Realm and choose “Giving” in the menu on the left side. You will be able to see your giving through the current date for the year. If you do not have a current schedule, choose the “+ Give” button. You will enter the amount you want to give and fund to which you are contributing (Pledge Offerings should be the default). If you would like to split your tithe between the general fund and building fund, click “+ Another Fund”, and choose “Parish Hall Debt Pledging” in the fund dropdown (you will need to set up a pledge for the Parish Hall Debt as you set up the stewardship pledge above). If you set up twice a month, choose the days of the month you would like the pledge pulled from your payment method. For any other pledge frequency, you will choose the start date and Realm will automatically process your tithe on the schedule you’ve chosen. Click “Continue”. You will choose your payment method or set up a new one and if you would like to help offset the cost of processing online payments . Click the blue “Save” button to finish.

If you have questions about this process, please email Jen Winborn in the church office.

If you would prefer to pay by cash, please put your tithe in a marked envelope in the offering plate so that it may be credited to the proper funds. If donating via check, please note in the memo field that it is for your tithe.

For more information on our Stewardship is Discipleship 2025 Annual Stewardship Campaign Webpage, please click HERE

For the Annual Stewardship Brochure, please click HERE.

For more information on Realm, please click HERE.

2025 Stewardship Campaign Pledge

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body…we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.  – 1 Corinthians 12:12-13.

Realm terms of service and privacy policy

Text to Give

Text: STRICHARD to 73256
You will receive a text with a link to enter payment information.

Realm terms of service and privacy policy

Estate Planning

Click HERE to get more information about Legacy Gifts and Estate Planning.