Vestry – Brian Christian


I was born in Austin, the youngest of six children. I was baptized, raised in, and confirmed at All Saint’s Episcopal Church in Austin (my earliest memory is seeing the UT Tower from University Avenue). My parents were active in that church until their respective passings in 2002 and 2015. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in December 1990.

Erin Barrett and I have been married since 1993, and our oldest, Adam, was born in 1998. We moved to Round Rock in February 2000, and our daughter Regan arrived the following August.

Professionally, I spent 30 years with the State of Texas, mainly at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, where I progressed from a front-line staff position to senior management. Since retiring from the State in 2018, I’ve owned and operated a lobbying and consulting business focused on environmental policy and compliance.

I initially was a member of St. Richard’s from 2001-2004 (Adam and Regan also attended the preschool; Erin volunteered) and rejoined the church in August 2014. I’m active in St. Richard’s adult formation classes, and I loved serving as a delegate to the 175th Diocesan Council in February 2024. I take great comfort in the liturgy , and the teaching at St. Richard’s has supported my faith journey, and expanded my understanding, immeasurably.

I feel ready to take this step and would be pleased and honored to serve on the Vestry.