Vestry-Ron Johnson


I moved to Round Rock in 1984 when I bought my first house. My first encounter with St. Richard’s was 2 years later when my fiancé Janice and I needed a copy of the Book of Common Prayer. A friend of Janice was an Episcopal priest who agreed to marry us and we wanted to see the Marriage Service. We talked to Father Sid Gervais who let us borrow the book. It was not until 1989 that we decided that we needed a church family and remembered St. Richard’s. It was love at first sight. We happened to arrive on Rally Day and saw everything that a church could offer. 

We consider St. Richard’s as our church to this day. Janice was the volunteer in the family and quickly joined the ECW, El Buen Samaritano, and Bible study groups. I was the shy member of the family and needed the impetus of the Lay Reader ministry to get me to stand up in front of a group and read the Sunday lessons. I became even bolder as I started to open myself up to other services within the church and became an usher and joined the Community of Hope. 

My true calling was in becoming the bookkeeper for St. Richard’s in 2007 and did that until I retired in 2024. Janice and I made many close friends while at St. Richard’s and consider the church our second family. We needed that family when Janice was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) in 2018. Janice and I retired from the corporate world in 2019 and we planned to use that time to visit family, friends, and do more cruising. As luck would have it that was when COVID locked everything down when she was cognitive enough to have enjoyed the travel. I lost my dear and loving wife in November of 2024 and feel the need to reconnect with my church family.