Vestry – Tom Cooper


I have a lifetime of experience serving in elective roles in the church. At St. Richard’s I was on the vestry and served on the rector search committee that helped bring on Rev Cameron Nations. I was a delegate to the diocesan council the year it was in Galveston. I was the stewardship chair for several years with Father Stuart, the interim rectors and Father Cameron. I also served on the “Walk In Love” capital stewardship campaign beginning in 2018.

In my years of prior experience, while living in the San Francisco East Bay, I served on the vestry at All Souls in Berkeley, including one year as senior warden. I was also a member of the rector search committee and a curate search committee at All Souls. In addition, I was a representative at two different diocesan conventions in Northern California from All Souls.

After moving to a suburban area, I was on vestry twice at Holy Cross in Castro Valley, as well as Junior warden and stewardship chair for several years. I served on a rector search committee and music director selection committee while there.

In addition to all that, back in another age, I was a seminary student at the Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) for a year. My wife, Lynne describes me as being a professional Episcopalian. I don’t know about that, but I do feel called to serve the Church and Christ where I can.