Spencer joined St. Richard’s Staff in October of 2018 after he and his family began attending church here. He and his wife Wendy are blessed with three daughters, Jocelyn, Brynlee and Charlotte, that keep them very busy.
Spencer grew up in the South Texas border of McAllen where his family transferred from the Catholic church to St. John’s Episcopal Church when he was in elementary school. He remembers being invited to engage his faith in a new and active way at St. Johns such as youth group, church camps, retreats, mission trips and acolyting. He went on to attend Southwest Texas State University(Texas State) where he studied Pre-Law Political Science and remained involved in ministry through Higher Ground Episcopal/Lutheran Campus Ministry where he served on the Leadership Team.
Prior to St. Richards, Spencer had an interesting career including running a ranch, craft beer sales and landscaping. In 2007 he was Called to serve as Camp Capers’ Staff Director, which led to serving as the Youth Minister at St. Thomas Episcopal Church, San Antonio for nine years.
Spencer has felt a deep call to offer youth opportunities to learn and live out their faith together, especially through transformative and eye opening mission and outreach. Through the years, he has taken youth to respond to natural disasters such as Hurricane Sandy, Katrina and Ike, as well as tornadoes in Birmingham. He took groups of students to serve the homeless and less fortunate in San Antonio, Brownsville, San Antonio, Denver, Houston and internationally in Puerto Rico, Mexico and Belize.
Today, Spencer loves enjoys attending St. Richard’s student and their families at games, performances, and meet ups at local coffee shops. He also loves a good camp fire, the Dallas Cowboys and Aggies, fishing(preferably salt water), BBQ’ing, golf and hunting.
Call Spencer at 210.255.0006 or email him at sstocker@saintrichards.org.
He looks forward to what the Lord has in store for our ministry together!