Test Email COMMUNICATION CARD & PRAYER REQUESTS To submit a prayer request, please enter the date, your name, then scroll to the bottom of the page to the Prayer Request section. COMMUNICATION CARD We're glad you are here! I have a change to my contact informationI am new to St. Richard'sOther PERSON'S NAME First Name Last Name Your email SPOUSE INFO CONTACT INFORMATION MaleFemalePrefer not to answerMarriedSingle ARE YOU NEW TO THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH? HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US? WHAT OTHER CONNECTIONS DO YOU HAVE IN OUR CHURCH? FAMILY OR FRIENDS? OTHER? Connections to St. Richards? (optional) Sign up here for your next step Newcomer's Lunch: Enjoy a free meal, get to know us, and give us an opportunity to know you too.Know, Love, Follow: A path to confirmation or reception into the Episcopal Church. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT MINISTRIES OF OUR CHURCH? Ministries (optional) Preschool (ages 2 yrs.-Kindergarten) (learn more at https://www.strichardspreschool.org)St. Richard's Kids (ages 3 yrs.- 5th grade)Youth Ministry (middle & high school students)Men's Ministry (Brotherhood of Saint Andrew, Men's Fellowship BBQ Group)Women's Ministry (Daughters of the King, Women's Wednesday Morning Bible Study, Monday evening Bible study)Worship Team (includes Ushers, Altar Guild, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, and Acolytes, just to name a few)ChoirLocal Outreach Ministries (includes Round Rock Area Serving Center, Quilts of Valor, Community of Care, and Pumpkin Patch, just to name a few)Global Outreach Ministries (includes Honduras Good Works, and Pumpkin Patch)Gardening/Landscaping MinistryPrayer Shawl MinistryOther Decisions about your spiritual commitment (optional) I made a decision to follow Jesus for the first time.I'm already a Christian, but I want to recommit my life to Jesus.I would like to join this church.I would like to be baptized.I would like to be confirmed. PRAYER REQUESTS comments and prayer requests (optional) If you have a prayer concern, please use this form to send a confidential request. This could be a prayer for yourself or for a loved one, friend, or colleague. You may also request that someone be added to the printed prayer list that is included in our Sunday service bulletins. Before asking that someone else be added to the published prayer list, please ask their permission. Would you like someone from the Team to contact You? (optional) YesNo